Reception 2024 - 2025

Welcome to the Reception Class Page!

Our Basic* Daily Schedule 

 8:40 Students in Class


  • Learning Focus: Writing & Maths
  • Continuous Provision (free choice to explore a variety of curriculum-based activities, both inside and outside)
  • Learning Focus: Phonics
  • Storytime 

 Lunch: in the dinner hall + outside play (with lunchtime supervisors)


  • Learning Focus: Literacy/Science/Art/DT/Humanities (on rotation)
  • Continuous Provision 
  • Learning Focus: PSED/RE/Music (on rotation)
  • Storytime

 3:10 Pick up for Home 

*Please consult the timetable link below for the full schedule and daily specifics 

READING BOOKS *New Day Friday Exchange*

Each week the children will receive new reading books. The children are encouraged to read the books themselves, however, the key point of reading books is for the child to engage with the book and develop an excitement to try to read. It is okay if you read it for them first, or alongside them. This can be a nice cosy few minutes spent together and should not be stressful. If your child becomes too frustrated with reading books, please speak to their teacher for tips. 

The weekly QR code links to the book your child is reading with their phonics group. It involves key vocabulary, keywords and the weekly new sound they're learning. 

+ Please familiarise yourself with your child's exchange day and prepare the books. Thank you! +



A lot of our communication and updates take place using DOJO. Please follow the link sent by the class teacher to access the class. 
Here is the link for the site login. DOJO Class Communication Site

Reception Teaching Staff

Miss Lolita Hall - Grasshoppers class teacher


Ms Karolina - Grasshoppers teaching assistant 


Ms Toni Rickenback - Grasshoppers teaching assistant 

Miss Lauren Worth - Caterpillars class teacher


Miss Archana Kandale - Caterpillars teaching assistant 


Miss Sarah Neild - Caterpillars teaching assistant 


Ms Sarah Conway - Butterflies class teacher and Early Years Assistant Head

Ms Conway is the classroom teacher for RSC as well as the Early Years Assitant Head. She has years of experience working in the Early Years and a strong understanding of the expectations and characteristics of effective learning for this age range. She is passionate about creating a nurturing and well-rounded learning environment in which children can explore and thrive on their learning journeys. 


Ms Suzanne Koo - Caterpillars teaching assistant 


Ms Aisha Khan - Reception teaching assistant 


Mrs Alison Cole - Reception PPA teacher & Early Years SENDCo

Cavendish Road,
West Didsbury,
Manchester M20 1JG
Mrs Taylor: Headteacher
Miss Evans: Deputy Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Hookes: Inclusion lead & SENDCO for years 1-4
Mrs Carroll: Inclusion lead & SENDCO for years 5-6
All available via the school email & telephone number