Cavendish Coffee Mornings
Cavendish Coffee Mornings!
9:05am - 10:00am in the Annex Building
*please come via the main school office to sign in
All Cavendish families are welcome to come along for…
- a chance to meet other parents/carers (catch up and chat over a brew & a biscuit!)
- find out more about school
- get some information on a variety of topics
- speak to our staff for help or advice
- feel part of the BRILLIANT Cavendish Community
Spring Term 1
17th Feb SEND focus
Spring Term 2
3rd March EAL focus *English as an additional language
17th March Mental Health focus
31st March Eid Celebration & Steering Group
Summer Term 1
Friday 21st April SEND information
Friday 28th April EAL & Inclusion
Friday 5th May Mental Health & Wellbeing
Friday 12th May SEND information
Friday 19th May EAL & Inclusion
Friday 26th May Mental Health & Wellbeing
Each session will have a focus where a member of the Cavendish staff will be there to have a chat with and share information or advice.
Likewise you can just come along for a bew and a chat! All welcome, including babies and younger children.