
Creating Brilliant Computer Scientists and Digital Experts

Miss Worth is the subject leader and champion for COMPUTING. 


This is what we had to say about Computing:

For us, Computing is like solving mathematical problems. Deeply linked to Maths, Science and DT, over time, we have seen how Computing has changed the world. For example, we can do things today at the click of a button and receive an instant response, while in the past, the pace was much slower. Today, children are exposed to a variety of technology. Therefore, they need to understand how to operate safely, not only in the real, but also the virtual world. Computing also provides the opportunity to sharpen your thinking, reasoning and problem-solving skills. Interestingly, these skills can be transferred into any aspect of life and are essential for the continued development of ourselves and the world.


Our Computing Curriculum

At Cavendish, we aspire to enable pupils to gain confidence with the use of technology so that they have the knowledge, skills and ability to face the challenges of a rapidly changing technological world. We recognise that children also access technology outside of school. Therefore, through our curriculum and by improving their understanding of e-safety, we endeavour to provide them with skills to operate safely and considerately as the users of technology.  In their Computing lessons, the children will have opportunities to experience the use of different APPs, programmes and devices so that they can discuss the impact of their choices. 


What a Good Learner in Computing Looks Like

As brilliant learners and citizens, the children of Cavendish will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of information technology, digital literacy and computer science.
  • Solve problems by being resilient, steadfast and systematic in their approach.
  • Employ the school’s values (equality, respect, positivity, responsibility, kindness, courage) when interacting with others as well as when they are using different software and hardware.
  • Apply their creative skills in computing and can choose and evaluate the best devices to use.
  • Take practical measures to ensure that they keep themselves safe when using the internet. 

At the end of their journey at Cavendish, the children will be able to transfer the skills that they have learnt with a greater degree of confidence. This will enable them to continue to build on the foundation that has been laid, so that they are able to undertake more challenging problems.


Online Safety

We take online safety extremely seriously and have tools in school to support this. Our E-Safety curriculum is made up of themes taken from the Project Evolve Toolkit, designed and developed by SWGfL. For futher infromation, click on the Safety Curriculum page. E-Safety is an important part of the curriculum, which is why we have created our acceptable use policy for pupils and staff. Our pupils are confident with different aspects of e-safety due to the work that is done across the curriculum, including our assemblies.

Online safety is an important part of the computing curriculum and children are taught to be safe online through both our computing curriculum and our Healthy Relationships and PSHE Curriculum.  We have a dedicated e-safety page to help the children and their families to understand the dangers that are posed online. Please click the link to have a browse.


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Experiences in COMPUTING... 


Cavendish Road,
West Didsbury,
Manchester M20 1JG
Mrs Taylor: Headteacher
Miss Evans: Deputy Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Hookes: Inclusion lead & SENDCO for years 1-4
Mrs Carroll: Inclusion lead & SENDCO for years 5-6
All available via the school email & telephone number