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Teaching & Learning at Cavendish...

Our vision is to create an Inspiring, challenging and nurturing environment to empower and enable ALL children and adults so that they unlock their potential and succeed in learning and life as BRILLIANT citizens!

Teaching & Learning Aims

  • To instil a love of learning and promote high expectations, celebrating both success and effort
  • To provide an inspiring, fun, engaging curriculum, with both challenge and support, in and beyond the classroom
  • To work hand-in-hand with parents/carers and members of our community to maintain and develop a school of which we can all be proud
  • To enable children to take ownership of their learning with the confidence to question and become independent problem solvers
  • To promote our school values of RESPECT, EQUALITY, POSITIVITY, RESPEONSIBILITY, KINDNESS & COURAGE as well as our pledge as a UNICEF Rights Respecting School
  • To use evidence-based research to influence quality first teaching


At Cavendish our children tell us they learn best when…

  • They feel happy, safe, valued, & heard
  • They have good relationships with the adults
  • There are opportunities for quiet focussed work
  • There are opportunities for sharing ideas, expressing opinions & working together
  • When the learning is FUN & they can investigate, explore, be active & creative
  • When they are given choices
  • When they can use equipment/resources to help them
  • When they know what they are learning & why


At Cavendish our children tell us teachers & teaching assistants are most effective when….

  • They set high expectations
  • They inspire us & motivate us
  • They model the learning
  • They make subjects interesting
  • They challenge us
  • They build our confidence & our independence
  • They use different strategies to meet our needs
  • They praise us
  • Lessons are organised & well planned
  • They allow us to make mistakes & learn from them
  • They break down learning step by step
  • They create a calm, inspiring & positive learning atmosphere
  • They support us with friendships
  • They are clear & fair & consistent
  • They are kind

The rest of this guide highlights areas of teaching & learning that we are committed to developing as a school. Each is based in theory & research and we believe will have an impact on ensuring all children are engaged, inspired, challenged and motivated in their learning to become Brilliant Learners & Brilliant Citizens.

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Cavendish Road,
West Didsbury,
Manchester M20 1JG
Mrs Taylor: Headteacher
Miss Evans: Deputy Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Hookes: Inclusion lead & SENDCO for years 1-4
Mrs Carroll: Inclusion lead & SENDCO for years 5-6
All available via the school email & telephone number