Design & Technology

Creating Brilliant Designers

Miss Evans is the subject leader and champion for DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY. 

Our Vision

Design and technology at Cavendish Primary School will allow children to use their creativity to design, make and evaluate products that solve real life problems.  Our pupils will have the opportunity to draw upon their skills in maths, science, engineering, computing and art and to develop a critical understanding of how designs have impacted on daily life and the wider world. 



The Design and technology curriculum at Cavendish strives to inspire pupils to be innovative and creative thinkers who understand the product design cycle through designing, creating, and evaluating. We want our children to feel able to take risks, through drafting designs, modelling, and testing and to be reflective learners who evaluate their work and that of their peers. We aim to build an awareness of the impact of design and technology on our lives and encourage pupils to become resourceful, enterprising citizens who will have the skills to contribute to future product designs. Our long-term planning enables pupils to meet the end of key stage attainment targets in the National curriculum and the aims also align with those in the National curriculum. EYFS units provide opportunities for pupils’ to work towards the Development matters statements and the Early Learning Goals.



The Design and technology National curriculum outlines the three main stages of the design process: design, make and evaluate. Design and technology is organised into attainment targets under five subheadings or strands:

  • Design
  • Make
  • Evaluate
  • Technical knowledge
  • Cooking and nutrition


Cooking and Nutrition

In this unit, Year 3 have been looking at the relationship between the colour of fruits and vegetables and their health benefits. Well done Year 3, your menu looks delicious!

Enrichment time! EYFS have been learning about why we celebrate Shrove Tuesday, ending with some delicious pancakes.


In this unit, Year 5 created their own bridges using strong shapes and a variety of materials and tested the durability, from what I hear no bridges fell down so a BIG well done!

Experiences in DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY... 

Cavendish Road,
West Didsbury,
Manchester M20 1JG
Mrs Taylor: Headteacher
Miss Evans: Deputy Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Hookes: Inclusion lead & SENDCO for years 1-4
Mrs Carroll: Inclusion lead & SENDCO for years 5-6
All available via the school email & telephone number