
Cavendish Community Primary School Curriculum

Our Curriculum Intent

Here at Cavendish it is our intention that all children will learn through a curriculum which is engaging, exciting, challenging, purposeful and relevant to them and their surroundings.  We teach the National Curriculum & ensure that all areas of learning are developed so all children can experience the full range of subjects and have opportunities develop, talents, interests, knowledge and skills that will equip them for lifelong learning & future success & happiness.

Further aims of our curriculum:

  • We are an inclusive and diverse school, so we build in a message of equality throughout our curriculum, celebrate this diversity & ensure children learn collaboratively
  • We build on the cultural capital of our community & we build pride in our community- making sure our curriculum is relevant to our learners wherever we can.
  • We understand the importance of language & vocabulary in ensuring children can access the curriculum so we build language learning opportunities throughout.
  • We ensure that children are equipped for each stage of their learning through a knowledge rich curriculum & a persistent focus on maths & English skills
  • We believe in the importance of reading as a vital foundation to all learning & the power of reading & Stories to bring the curriculum to life “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Dr. Seus
  • We know that children learn best when they are motivated & engaged-so we make our learning creative & engaging (drama, ICT, variety, trips, visitors)
  • We know that children learn best when they feel there is purpose to their learning, so we build this into our learning.
  • We know that children learn best when they understand the learning process so we build in learn to learn skills ensuring the development of metacognition throughout the curriculum
  • We want our pupils to be happy and HEALTHY so we maintain a focus on safety & physical & mental wellbeing throughout the curriculum
  • We want our children to care about each other & the world they live in, & to aspire to make their futures & the world they will inherit the best it can be for EVERYONE so we focus on our rights and embed our values throughout the curriculum


See curriculum maps for all year groups and for further details about individual subjects see subject pages


We evaluate the impact of the curriculum on our children by assessing standards of children’s work, and by talking to them about what they have enjoyed, what they think we could do better, and what further experiences and opportunities they would like to have so that there is a cycle of ‘plan-do-review’ taking place.  We interrogate data to identify gaps in children’s knowledge, skills and understanding and adjust teaching programmes and interventional support accordingly. We track attendance closely to ensure that children are here every day to access what school offers them. Sustained good attendance is evidence of children’s engagement with what school has to offer. Senior leaders, LA effectiveness officers, and the school’s independent QA adviser all agree that the overall effectiveness of the school is good, which indicates that the impact of our curriculum is positive. The school’s last 2 Ofsted ratings have been good.

Other pages

Cavendish Road,
West Didsbury,
Manchester M20 1JG
Mrs Taylor: Headteacher
Miss Evans: Deputy Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Hookes: Inclusion lead & SENDCO for years 1-4
Mrs Carroll: Inclusion lead & SENDCO for years 5-6
All available via the school email & telephone number