You said...We did...

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At Cavendish, we value the views of our school community, especially our parents, carers and children.

We are developing a parent steering group as part of our journey in achieving the LPPA (Leading Parent Partnership Award). If you would like to get involved or have any questions, please contact Miss Evans (Deputy Head). 

Parent Survey November 2024

At Cavendish, feedback is important to us and value the opinions of our parents/carers, families and community. Thank you in helping us grow and be the BRILLIANT school we always aim to be. 

Thank you to all the parents and carers who completed the survey. Here are the results...

97% of parents/carers agree or strongly agree that their child is happy at Cavendish.

98% of parents/carers agree or strongly agree that their child feels safe at Cavendish.

91% of parents/carers agree or strongly agree that children are well behaved at Cavendish.

58% felt that bullying did not apply to their child.

33% agree or strongly agree that the school dealt with the bullying quickly and effectively.

93.8% of parents/carers agree or strongly agree that they are made aware of what their child will learn during the year at Cavendish.

73% of parents/carers agree or strongly agree that their concerns raised have been dealt with properly Cavendish. *14% said that they didn’t know.

6% of parents/carers who took part in the survey have a child with SEND.  

96% of parents/carers of a child with SEND, agree or strongly agree that Cavendish gives their child the support they need to succeed.

90% of parents/carers agree or strongly agree that school has high exceptions for their child at Cavendish.

97% of parents/carers agree or strongly agree that their child does well at Cavendish.

89% of parents/carers agree or strongly agree that school let them know how their child is doing at Cavendish.

97% of parents/carers agree or strongly agree that there is a good range of subjects available to their child at Cavendish.

96% of parents/carers agree or strongly agree that their child can take part in clubs and activities at Cavendish.

95% of parents/carers agree or strongly agree that school supports their child with wider personal development at Cavendish.

93% of parents/carers said that they would recommend Cavendish Community Primary School to another parent.

It is great to have such positive feedback on so many areas of school.

On those areas where feedback. Areas showing up as need for improvement, we will be discussing this further as a staff and will share with you our plans for improvement soon.


Parent Survey March 2024

Thank you to all our parents who completed the Parent Survey. The survey focused on children's safety & wellbeing, online safety, as well as our school values and our status as a Unicef Rights Respecting School.

Please see below the results along with some information or planned actions in repsonse to the survey...

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Children's happiness in school is extremely important to us. If you are ever concerned about your child’s happiness or wellbeing, please talk to your child’s class teacher.


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Here are just some of the things we do around wellbeing…

  • Meditation Masters (daily meditation)
  • Drawing & Talking Therapy
  • Play Therapist (by our qualified play therapist Linda)
  • Lunchtime drop in sessions
  • Check-in-Boards & Worry Boxes (classrooms)
  • External services such as M-Thrive
  • Our PSHE curriculum covers the understanding & importance of mental health

If you are ever concerned or worried about your child’s wellbeing, please contact their class teacher or Miss Evans (Safeguarding & Mental Health Lead)

For more information about mental health and wellbeing at Cavendish, click here


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When it comes to safety at Cavendish, our mission for all children is…

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We listen to our pupils and take seriously what they tell us. All school staff are trained in safeguarding and children are made aware of the adults they can talk to if they have any concerns. School also works with external organisations to support children’s safety and welfare.

Here are just some of the ways children are empowered, when it comes to their safety…

  • Each class has a Safety Protector elected, who represents the class and has an input in ways to continue to improve the safety and wellbeing of children
  • Our safety curriculum is broad and covers a range of topics from personal space and bullying to first aid and fire safety. For more information about out safety curriculum, click here.
  • Online Safety messages and information is delivered in half termly assemblies and followed up with classroom activities.
  • Links about safety are made to the UNICEF Children’s Rights
  • Our Safeguarding Link Governor visits school and talks to the children about their thoughts and feelings around safety
  • We carry out an annual pupil survey to gather children’s thoughts and feelings

If you are ever concerned or worried about your child’s safety, please contact their class teacher or Miss Evans (Safeguarding & Mental Health Lead)

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The procedures which we follow have been laid down by the Manchester Safeguarding Children Board and the school has adopted a Safeguarding Policy in line with this, for the safety of all. On rare occasions, our concerns about a child may mean that we have to consult other agencies. In this case, we will endeavour to discuss with parent/carers first, before any referrals are made, unless we believe that such a move may be contrary to a child’s welfare.

The school has a safeguarding team which is comprised of:

Jo Taylor (Headteacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Sian Evans (Deputy Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead & Mental Health Lead)

Assistant Heads - Sarah Conway, Sarah Hopkins, Kevin Foster and Gill Day

Diane Berisford (Admissions & Attendance)

If you are ever concerned or worried about the safeguarding of your child or another pupil of Cavendish, please contact the safeguarding team.

Click here, where you can find our Safeguarding Policy and other information.


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Parent Survey November 2023


According to your responses –

66% of you said that you homework was important for your child's learning and development - 45% voting 5 out of 5 and 21% voting 4 out of 5.

87% of you said that thought that homework definitely has a positive impact, or has some impact, on your child's learning. 

We have planned for home learning activites for each year group linked to the curriculum and current learning in the classroom. 

What you thought about areas fo learnign that should be covered by homework tasks...

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What you thought about how long is an appropriate time to spend on homework each week...

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What you thought about how homework should be completed...

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We have planned for short, acheiveable homework tasks to be completed and reviewed in school. 

Due to resources linked to our curriculum schemes (as well as the cost implications) most tasks given will be through websites and apps, however children will be provided with reading books and some exercises on paper or in books. 


Parent Survey March 2023

Trips and Visitors

According to your responses –

100% of you said that you think trips and visitors are important for enriching the curriculum & 75% of you thought that 2-3 trips per year would be appropriate.

We have planned for 2-3 trips for each year group per year linked to curriculum and learning. Watch this space for the exciting trips the teachers have planned!

You said the top 6 experiences were –

  1. Museums
  2. Outdoor adventure / farm countryside
  3. Geography fieldtrips
  4. Zoo
  5. Theatre
  6. Galleries

We will focus on these experiences in our plans for trips.

50% of you said that you would pay whatever the full cost of the trip up to £25.

22% of you said that £15 would be the maximum you would be happy to pay for a trip.

16% of you said that £20 would be the maximum you would be happy to pay for a trip.

We will consider this when setting payments and ensure that there is no limit set on School Gateway for those that wish to pay more.

97% of you said that you think PTA funds should be used to subsidise trips/visitors. 57% of you said that this should be for those that need it.

We will pass this on to the PTA and discuss at the next meeting.


Equality & Diversity - Parent Feedback October 2023

Your feedback (sample) –

I think Cavendish promotes equality & diversity effectively. It’s lovely to be part of the diverse community. Would be nice if parents could get involved with what the kids are doing more and be proud of it more!

Cavendish do a good job in educating the children about diversity and inclusion. They make sure understanding of different cultures is there and celebrated. They always reinforce that it’s good to have differences and not judge people in their skin colour, religion, beliefs etc.

I am happy that Cavendish is a very diverse school. I am happy that my children get to learn about different cultures and religions.

I was so pleased to see the Eid Fair this year. Even more diverse celebrations and fairs would be great.

School should mark international Women’s Day to promote Equality.

There are so many races and cultures at Cavendish – it would be wonderful to see them celebrated more with more displays.

Could you hold days where kids dress up or bring something in to represent their culture/ culture they are interested in.

More signs for disability and access please.

Children should visit the mosque to understand truly.

Celebrate even more religious festivals.

Our response –

  • Continue to develop and grow the Equality & Diversity team and action plan
  • Re-establish links with local religious communities to then allow the children to visit a variety of places of worship.
  • Develop the representation of cultures in our community through displays around school.
  • Audit the curriculum regularly to ensure the resources and figures studied are a diverse representation.
  • Continue to hold an annual Equality Day including a range of visitors to enhance the children’s learning around equality, diversity and inclusion.
  • Continue to use our Equalities Scheme to develop as a community that is aware, acknowledges and is active in its goal to ensure inclusion, belonging and representation.


Connect, Share & Meet 

You said you would like more opportunities to connect with the Cavendish community (particularly after the restrictions of the pandemic). 

We have,

- invited parents in for class assemblies where chidlren have shared their learning and celebrated their achievements

- created a weekly Cavendish Coffee Morning

- held Come & Play sessions

- invited parents in for Awards Assemblies

- ran a volunteer scheme to support chidlren with reading across the school

- brought parents in for festvie fun and singalongs for Christmas time

- had whole school events such as performances, sports days, our Margaret Ashton mural unveiling and annual Eid celebration

- worked alongside the PTA hosting fantastic events such as the BONFIRE NIGHT, CAVENDISH CAROLS, SAUSAGE SIZZLE and much more!


Drop off and pick up

You said you wanted to come onto the school grounds during drop off and pick up to engage with fellow parents.

We have invited parents onto the allocated part of the school ground linked to each year group gate.

*Our decisions regarding drop off / pick up arrangements are based on the safeguarding of the children and the smooth transition for the children into the classroom - we appreciate your understanding and thank you for your co-operation with this.


Safety on roads and pavements around school

You informed us of the safety concerns you have regarding the road/pedestrian safety on Cavendish Road and Vicker Grove.

We have - 

  • informed the local authority who are planning to put in place bollards on Cavendish Road to ensure pedestrians are safer from passing cars.
  • plans to pave and fence an area outside the Rhodes building for parents to wait (for Y5&6 drop off / collection) instead of on the pavement
  • continued to be present on the gates on Vicker Grove
  • continued to invite parents onto the school ground space assigned to the allocated drop off/pick up gate.



You said that you would like more regular and detailed communication about key school information and individual class / child information.

We have - 

  • increased the information within the weekly newsletter including an updated diary section with important dates.
  • Shared profiles of our senior leadership team in the newsletter
  • updated the website to include an ‘Our Families’ section for parents/carers to navigate including a ‘School Communication’ page with details of how to get in touch.
  • Plans to update and improve the website with our provider.


Learning Updates

You said you would like more regular updates on your child’s learning.

We have,

  • planned for a termly learning newsletter where each year group will share what they have been learning. This will also feature on the school website.
  • Invited parents in for class assemblies where children share what they have been learning


Cavendish Road,
West Didsbury,
Manchester M20 1JG
Mrs Taylor: Headteacher
Miss Evans: Deputy Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Hookes: Inclusion lead & SENDCO for years 1-4
Mrs Carroll: Inclusion lead & SENDCO for years 5-6
All available via the school email & telephone number